Call for Abstract

4th International Conference on Dental Public Health and Dental Diseases, will be organized around the theme “Theme: Making the World a better Place with a Healthy Smile”

Dental Public Health 2023 is comprised of 17 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Dental Public Health 2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Molecular & Cell Biology decipher the genetic, molecular, and biochemical causes of oral health disorders and their possible relationships with other systemic dysfunctions.

Dental public health focuses on the health of populations in a non-clinical way. The most widely known dental public health implication has been the fluoridation of water. A major focus of public health is preventing disease in large populations, rather than treating diseases on an individual basis.

Evidence-Based Dentistry is an approach to oral health care that requires the judicious integration of systematic assessments of clinically relevant scientific evidence, relating the patient's oral and medical condition and history, with the dentist's clinical expertise and the patient's treatment needs and preferences. Evidence-Based care is a global movement in all the Health science disciplines. It represents a philosophical shift in the approach to practice a shift that emphasizes evidence over opinion and at the same time, judgement over blind adherence to rules

Bioengineering materials usually develop tissue-biomaterial interactions that suitably recapitulate a tissue or organ and integrate well with surrounding tissues which can achieve the desired results in human patients and greatly improve their care. The dental applications of bioengineering materials have considerably broadened within the last few decades. The field of bioengineering materials needs to move towards new dental treatment concepts based on the fact of value-consciousness in the healthcare and biotechnology areas and utilizations that can create the future of this field.

Advanced Dental Research covers all areas of dental, oral and craniofacial research. Recent advances in Aesthetic dentistry, Veterinary, Restorative dentistry encouraged researchers to explore the potential for regenerating functional and living teeth. Advanced Dental Treatments provides cutting edge technology for optimum dental care included with leading facilities like Spa Therapy rather than Typical Dentistry.

Dental Education is the teaching and learning of the future generations of dentists to prevent, diagnose and treat oral diseases and meet the dental needs and demands of the individual patients and the public. Dental hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean to prevent dental problems, most commonly, dental cavities, gingivitis, caries, periodontal diseases and bad breath.

Oral Medicine manages the oral social insurance of patients with ceaseless, repetitive and therapeutically related clutters of the oral and maxillofacial locale, and with their finding and non-surgical administration. Oral Medicine relates Dentistry to medication. Oral deals with the diseases of oral and Para oral structures and provides an understanding of which is essential for diagnosis and for the development of rational treatment. Oral microbiology deals with the study of the microorganisms of the oral cavity. Oral Radiology deals with the use of x-rays, radioactive substances, and other forms of radiant energy in diagnosis and treatment of disease.

For most people, the basics of good dental hygiene are taught from a very early age – and with good reason. Teeth serve multiple purposes, all of which are important to varying degrees. A person’s ability to masticate is perhaps the primary reason for teeth, as it helps make the digestion of food possible. One’s appearance, from their smile to the shape of their face, is also dependent on their teeth. As useful and important as teeth are, however, they are not indestructible. In fact, they are susceptible to a number of problems that can potentially result in their loss. Fortunately, these problems are often preventable if a person adheres to good dental habits. To develop these habits, it is important to understand what the potential threats are and how to avoid them.

Prosthodontics and Implantology deals with rehabilitation of lost or missing oral / dental structures associated in the maxillofacial region using artificial substitutes to restore function and esthetics.

Periodontology is the specialised system of hard and soft tissues that supports your teeth and maintains their position in the jaw. Restorative dentistry encompasses the dental specialties of endodontics, periodontics and prosthodontics and its foundation is based upon how these interact in cases requiring multifaceted care.

Dental Anesthesiology educates graduate, pre-doctoral, and dental hygiene students in the management of pain, fear, and anxiety associated with dental treatmentDental sleep medicine is an area of dental practice that focuses on the use of oral appliance therapy to treat sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

Oral and maxillofacial surgery deals with the treatment of many diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral (mouth) and maxillofacial (jaws and face) region. It is an internationally recognized surgical speciality. It is recognized as both a speciality of medicine and dentistry and a dual degree in medicine and dentistry is compulsory.

Orthodontics is a specialty field of dentistry that diagnoses, prevents and treats irregularities of the teeth and face. Orthodontic implants have become a reliable method in orthodontic practice for providing temporary additional anchorage. Endodontics is a dental speciality which deals with the dental pulp. Root canal therapy is one of the common procedures followed in Endodontic treatments and is done to save the teeth from diseased dental pulp.

Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to keep them healthy. Community Dentistry is a branch of Dentistry which deals with preventing disease, prolonging life & promoting physical & mental efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the control of communicable infections, the education of individual in personal hygiene. Oral epidemiology provide information on normal biological processes and on diseases of the oral cavity, identify populations at risk of oral disease or in need of specific care, and compare regional, environmental, social, and access similarities and differences in dental care between populations. It also tests preventive interventions for controlling disease and evaluates the effectiveness and quality of interventions and oral health programs.

Operative dentistry is the art and science of the diagnosis ,treatment and prognosis of the defects of teeth that do not require full coverage restorations for correction. Such treatment should result in the restoration of proper tooth form, function and esthetics while maintaining the physiologic integrity of the teeth in harmonious relationship with the adjacent hard and soft tissues, all of which should enhance the general health and welfare of the patient. Forensic dentistry is the proper handling, examination and evaluation of dental evidence, which will be then presented in the interest of justice. The evidence that may be derived from teeth is the age (in children) and identification of the person to whom the teeth belong.

It is important to take care of oral and dental health during pregnancy. Common causes of dental health problems during pregnancy can include: gum problems, vomiting, and cravings for sugary foods and retching while brushing teeth. Pregnancy gingivitis occurs due to the increased level of hormones exaggeration and the way gums react to the irritants in plaque. There are evidence that, there is a link between gum disease and premature, underweight births. Dental problems during pregnancy can be prevented by regular brushing and flossing, eating a balanced diet especially foods rich in calcium, iron and Vitamin D and visiting dentist regularly. Also, it is to be taken care to visit the dentist during the fourth to sixth month of pregnancy to avoid any prenatal complications due to stresses associated with dental visits that can occur during first trimester and last trimester which is the most important stage of pregnancy.

Ethics affect virtually every decision made in a dental office, encompassing activities of both judging and choosing. Ethics affect relationships with patients, the public, office staff, and other professionals. Without a solid ethical foundation, you simply cannot be a true professional. The dentist must be aware of patients’ legitimate needs for prescription drugs.